Category: Holocaust

The Wave, Is This Wrong?

I have Read Chapters 5-8 Of the book The Wave  And In these chapters The history teacher Mr. Ross starts the hole wave thing. In the start of these chapters Mr. Ross gets the kids to stand up and walk around the room and then when he said go they would have to go back to their seats fast. The first couple of tries were very slow and kids were running into each other. Mr. Ross got the kids to try it form the hallway , The first try was bad and then one of the kids said the people that go the farthest at the front of the line and the people that don’t have to go far at the back of the line. This time it work the kids were very organized and fast it only took them 16 seconds for all of them to be seated. Mr. Ross also showed them how to sit right and then he told them a slogan for the Wave. Strength Through Discipline, Strength Through Community, Strength Through Action. Laurie doesn’t agree with what Mr. Ross is doing, She thinks that it wrong that he is doing this to his students. Where as her boyfriend David is going to use what Mr.Ross showed them to try and win a football game.
I think that what Mr. Ross is doing is wrong and he shouldn’t have took it so far. Mr. Ross is a very DIFFERENT guy I also find that he is a wired character, He really makes me think about what he is doing. I would have to say that if this was really happening i would be with Laurie,  It not something he should be doing. This book is very interesting and it keeps me wondering about some of the characters Like Mr. Ross and David. I think that David’s character is going to change in the next couple of chapters I have a feeling about him and how he acts.  I Really want this book to go on forever but i also want it to end so that i know what happens to The hole wave thing. I personally think that thins is something that Mr. Ross should have stopped when he had the chance to. Laurie is right this is wrong for him to be doing the wave thing. He i just like bossing them around and telling them what to do and it should not be like that. I think that Laurie is going to try to stop what he his doing. I think that she will try to stop it because of the video they watched at the beginning of the book about the camps and the Nazi party, I think she will stand up because when it was the time on the holocaust no one would stand up. I think that this has gone to far and its still the beginning of the book. I Really can’t wait to see what happens in the next four chapters of the book. 🙂

The Book Thief

Liesel  Meminger is 10 years old and the main character of the book thief. Liesel and her bother was going to a foster home but Liesel brother died on the train. Liesel and er mother had to watch the grave diggers dig her brothers grave. before they got back on the train Liesel took the grave diggers hand book from one of the diggers. when  Liesel got to go in a car for the first time ever and and when she  got to her foster Liesel took and liking to her Foster father but not some much to her foster mother that is just some of the things that already happened to Liesel. Liesel is kinda of a tomboy. Liesel is being fostered by the Hubermann family.  I think that the another really did an all out job on Liesel. I like her because she is just a normal 10 year old girl that just happens to have a lot  things happening to her like the fact that she is living in Germany at the time of the Holocaust. and that her mother takes her to foster care.  The another really did a good job making the book relate to real life.

One of the other characters are Hans Hubermann he is Liesel’s foster father. Hans Hubermann is a painter that smokes cigarettes and he does not agree with the Nazi party. He is married to Rosa Hubermann and she is always swearing at him. Hans has a vary loving character witch really plays out with liesel because Liesel took a liking to the vary tall man.
There is also Rosa Hubermann Leisels foster mother she is short and she looks like a wardrobe  and always swearing at Liesel.  She does washing and ironing for five of the wealthier households in Molching. And Liesel has to help her. Rosa Hubermann is a vary strong woman that keeps the hole story together.
Then there is Rudy Steiner Liesel’s neighbor. Rudy Steiner is in love with Liesel and is good friends with Liesel. He painted himself with charcoal one night and ran one hundred meters at the local sporting field.
There are many more characters in the book like Rudy’s dad Alex Steiner,  Tommy Miller, or even Death

The Book Thief

So far  Really like The Book Thief it is interesting the author did a vary good job with all of the charters and even with how they were described I can’t wait to finish reading the book. I kind of wonder why the author made death the narrator in the book but i think in the end of the book every think will play together and it will make more scene to me. I know that there is a reason that the author made death the narrator.

Kelsey is a very stinky person. (Says Mr. Fisher)

The Holocaust

We started a project in S.S about the second world war I had to find things about the Holocaust. Some of the things tat i found were that Anne Frank was one of over one million Jewish children who died in the Holocaust. She was born Annelies Marie Frank on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, to Otto and Edith Frank. Anne and her family went into hiding for two years, they lived in a secret attic apartment behind the office of the family-owned business at 263 Prinsengracht Street, which Anne referred to in her diary as the Secret Annex. The german Secret State Police discovered the hiding place after being tipped off by an anonymous dutch caller. One month later, in September 1944, SS and police authorities placed the Franks on a train transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz, a concentration camp complex in German-occupied Poland. Anne and her sister, Margot were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Celle, in northern Germany in late October 1944. Sadly both of the sisters die March 1945.

I also found out some stuff about that concentration camps like in 1933 and 1945 Nazi Germany made about 20 000 camps. These camps were used for many purposes including forced-labor camps, transit camps which served as temporary way stations, and extermination camps built primarily or exclusively for mass murder. The first prisoners in the early concentration camps were German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrat. After Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) pogroms in November 1938, the Nazis conducted mass arrests of adult male Jews and incarcerated them in camps for brief periods. 1939, the Nazis opened forced-labor were many people died from exhaustion, starvation, and exposure.

I think that the Holocaust was a terrible thing and that it should never happen again. I also learned that every thing that happened to the Jews did not happen all at once it started with little things like Jews have to go shopping between 5 and 8 pm. People are not aloud to talk to a Jew. Jews have to were a yellow star. Many other little thing. I believe that the holocaust was truly evil and should never be forgot about for the reason that this can never happen again. I know that the Holocaust is some thing that made are wold what it is today and i also think that every thing happens for a reason i don’t know for what reason this had to happen but i think that there was a reason.